I was writing this small program to download a file from Internet. The original code was as follows:
long content_lenght; int buffer_length = 4096; int read_count = 0; byte[] buffer; WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create( "http:/images/photobucket/CAP_5288Japan-Posters.jpg"); WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse(); FileStream output = new FileStream("output.jpg", FileMode.Create); Stream strm = resp.GetResponseStream(); content_lenght = resp.ContentLength; while (read_count < content_lenght) { if (read_count + buffer_length > content_lenght) buffer = new byte[(int)content_lenght - read_count]; else buffer = new byte[buffer_length]; read_count += strm.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); output.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } strm.Close(); output.Flush(); output.Close();
To my dismay, when the program finished its execution, the output file (output.jpg) become a scrambled image. So I thought it could be caused by the buffer size (buffer_length) that is too huge. So I reduced buffer_length from 4096 to 1024. It did worked. But when I run the program for a few more times, suddenly the image become scrambled again. What kind of problem is this?
Then something struck me, apparently I forgot that Internet is an unreliable medium. The bytes available inside the input buffer maybe not be as much as the number that I tried to read. Initially I have this thought that Stream.Read(…) will pause the execution thread waiting for the input buffer to have at least the number of bytes that I requested before allowing the read process to commence. So it seems the fact is contrary to what I think. Or does the waiting process only happen when we only read one single byte? So I modified my program into something like this:
long content_lenght; int read_count = 0; WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create("http:/images/photobucket/CAP_5288Japan-Posters.jpg"); WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse(); FileStream output = new FileStream("output.jpg", FileMode.Create); Stream strm = resp.GetResponseStream(); content_lenght = resp.ContentLength; byte[] buffer= new byte[content_lenght]; while (read_count < content_lenght) { buffer[read_count] = (byte)strm.ReadByte(); ++read_count; } output.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); strm.Close(); output.Flush(); output.Close();
It works like a charm (OOT: The statement is quite oxymoron. I mean, can anyone show me what kind of charm that scientifically proven? Okay, perhaps I should have said 'It works as I expected' 😀 ). Tragedy struck when I found out that there is even a simpler way to achieve above code's purpose:
WebClient wec = new WebClient(); wec.DownloadFile("http:/images/photobucket/CAP_5288Japan-Posters.jpg", "output.jpg");
So what do you think?
About Hardono
Incoming Search
.net, c#
Well, at least it can be taken as a learning experience 🙂 Anyway, when we need code for a “fairly common” (I know, gray area here) operation in a modern platform, I guess it’s pretty safe to start with assumption that someone else already came across the issue and came up with a solution, and start by searching library docs, google, etc. Otherwise we risk falling into “doing hours of coding to save few minutes of reading” trap (^_^”)
Hehe… Reinventing the wheel eh?