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In my recent project, one of its important feature was to be able to display all seaports that currently have ISO Tanks in the world map. To do that, first I need to have a database of seaports complete with the longitude & latitude position. Below is the data-entry form I created.


You can slowly insert the data one-by-one, or you can just scrape the web 🙂

Since Google Map is using decimal Latitude/Longitude value, we need to create a method to convert from degree (e.g. 103° 50′ N) to decimal value (e.g. 103.833) . Here’s my code in C#:

// ---- Code SNIP -------
//Declare the Regex as part of the class member
private Regex rgxLatLon = new Regex("((?<degree>[0-9]+)°)((\\ )(?<minute>[0-9]+)')?((\\ )(?<second>[0-9]+)\")?((\\ )(?<dir>(E|S|N|W)))");
// ---- Code SNIP -------
private bool convDegDec(String raw, out double result)
	result = 0;
	var mLat = rgxLatLon.Match(raw);
	if (mLat.Success)
		foreach (var g in mLat.Groups)
			var deg = mLat.Groups["degree"].Value;
			if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deg))
				result = double.Parse(deg);
			var min = mLat.Groups["minute"].Value;
			if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(min))
				result += (double.Parse(min) / 60);
			var sec = mLat.Groups["second"].Value;
			if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sec))
				result += (double.Parse(sec) / 3600);
			var dir = mLat.Groups["dir"].Value;
			if (dir == "S" || dir == "W")
				result = result * (-1);
	return mLat.Success;
// ---- Code SNIP -------

Final step is to actually render Google Maps, add the markers according to Seaports’ position, and display the necessary information when the marker is clicked. I won’t explain on how to use the Google Maps API because they already have a very good official guide.

Anyway, here’s how I render the map, markers and information window:

var map, info = {};
function initialize() {
	// Centralize the map to Singapore	
	var mapOptions = {
		center : new google.maps.LatLng(1.2666666666666666, 103.83333333333333),
		zoom : 6

	// I have a div with id='map-canvas' as the map's placeholder
	map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"),

	//get the Seaports and its Tanks count
		// the JSON webservice, add tick to prevent caching
		url : '/Tank/MapData?_tick=' + Math.random(),
		dataType : 'json'
	}).always(function (resp) {
		var obj = {};
		eval("obj = " + resp.responseText);

		/* Sample JSON object returned by /Tank/MapData: 
			data : [{
					"CurPort" : "PKL",
					"CurrentPort" : "Port Klang",
					"decLat" : 3.0,
					"decLon" : 101.4,
					"TankCount" : 41
				}, {
					"CurPort" : "SIN",
					"CurrentPort" : "Singapore",
					"decLat" : 1.2666666666666666,
					"decLon" : 103.83333333333333,
					"TankCount" : 44
				}, {
					"CurPort" : "JKT",
					"CurrentPort" : "Jakarta",
					"decLat" : -6.1,
					"decLon" : 106.86666666666666,
					"TankCount" : 18
				},  {
					"CurPort" : "KUA",
					"CurrentPort" : "Kuantan ",
					"decLat" : 3.9666666666666668,
					"decLon" : 103.43333333333334,
					"TankCount" : 47
			total : 4
		if ( {
			$.each(, function (i, p) {
				// set marker's position
				var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(p.decLat, p.decLon);
				// the info window to show if the marker is clicked
				// the info window contains a hyperlink to SeaPort's details
				var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
						content : "<div class='winInfo'><strong><a href='#' class='liPort' data-port='" + p.CurPort + "'>" + p.CurrentPort.toUpperCase() + "</a></strong><div>Tanks : " + p.TankCount + "</div></div>",
						disableAutoPan : true
				// create the marker
				var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
						position : myLatlng,
						map : map,
						title : p.CurPort

				// add the info window to global collection
				info[p.CurPort] = infowindow;

				// if marker is clicked, show the info window
				google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function () {
					info[marker.title].open(map, marker);

				// by default, show the info window, marker);

			// bind the click event on the document and use selector 
			// to ensure any new info window's hyperlink is clickable
			$(document).on('click', '.liPort', {}, function () {
				var port = $(this).attr('data-port');
				var title = $(this).text();
					url : '/Tank/Overview?port=' + port,
					title : title,
					icon : 'icon-database'

			// refresh the map data every 30 seconds
			setInterval(function () {
					url : '/Tank/MapData?_tick=' + Math.random(),
					dataType : 'json'
				}).always(function (resp) {
					var obj = {};
					eval("obj = " + resp.responseText);
					if ( {
						$.each(, function (ii, pp) {
							var dPort = $(".liPort[data-port='" + pp.CurPort + "']");
							if (dPort.length > 0) {
								dPort.parent().next().html("<div>Tanks : " + pp.TankCount + "</div>");
			}, 30000);

// call initialize() when map is fully loaded
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);

Here’s how the map will look like:


Good luck on your implementation. I hope it helps, cheers!

GD Star Rating
Plotting Seaports in Google Map, 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

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About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

Incoming Search, c#, google, javascript, jquery, map, mvc

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