Today I had an idea for a Chrome extension project. So after work, I re-learning again on how to create a Chrome extension. As I was tinkering with the code, I encountered this error:
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Cannot access contents of url “”. Extension manifest must request permission to access this host.
To solve this problem, we need to update the manifest.json. If you are using manifest version 2 (V2), you need to add url patterns into optional_permissions.
V2 Manifest
{ "name": "My extension", "manifest_version": 2, ... "optional_permissions": ["http://*/", "https://*/"], ... }
If you are using manifest version 3 (V3), you need to add it to host_permissions instead.
V3 Manifest
{ "name": "My extension", "manifest_version": 3, ... "host_permissions": ["http://*/", "https://*/"], ... }
That’s all folks!
Reading material: chrome.permissions
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chrome, extensions, javascript