Update on efforts to manage our healthcare facilities load:
[Sent by Gov.sg – 8 Mar]
COVID-19: We must manage load on healthcare system so it’s not overwhelmed
What are we doing
– Travel restrictions & border controls
– Screen at entry points into Singapore
– Contact tracing, quarantine, and isolation
– PHPCs: Quick access to subsidised treatment for patients with respiratory symptoms
More: Go.gov.sg/ona-phpcYou must do your part
– DO NOT attend a gathering when ill
– Many clusters caused by someone sick attending a gathering
– If you are sick: see a doctor, stay at home
– Practise good hygieneContain dengue cases in S’pore 🦟
– Practise the Mozzie Wipeout
– Hospitals should not be loaded with dengue cases now
More: go.gov.sg/homebreeding
Update on number of confirmed cases:
[Sent by Gov.sg]
COVID-19: 8 Mar Update
As of 12pm:
New cases: 12
Total cases in Singapore: 150
Discharged today: 0
Total discharged: 90
Total remaining in Hospital: 60Of the new cases, 9 are part of the SAFRA Jurong cluster, 1 is linked to a previous case, 1 is an imported case, and 1 is unlinked.
Most in hospital are stable or improving. 9 are in the intensive care unit.
Be vigilant and stay safe everyone!