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Additional information on the nature of COVID-19:

[Sent by – 23 Feb]

COVID-19: Good practices to adopt
Advice from infectious disease expert Dr Leong Hoe Nam

1. Can I catch COVID-19 from a healthcare worker’s clothes?
Healthcare workers are trained professionals. In the hospital, they are gowned up with protective equipment. What they wear underneath would be kept clean

2. Should I be worried about my medical appointment at the hospital?
The chances of picking up COVID-19 at the hospital is low. Make an appointment to see your doctor. Stick to your schedule, go for the appointment and come back quickly.

3. Why shouldn’t we doctor-hop?
When you doctor-hop, the doctor may fail to appreciate the gravity of your case if you have been infected and the changes in you as the disease progresses.

For more:

Update on number of confirmed and discharged cases:

[Sent by]

COVID-19: 23 Feb Update

As of 12pm:
New cases: 0
Total confirmed: 89
Discharged today: 2
Total discharged: 51
Total still in hospital: 38

Most in hospital are stable or improving. 5 are in the intensive care unit.

Travel advisory

With the situation in Korea, MOH advises travellers to avoid non-essential travel to Daegu and Cheongdo. MOH also reminds the public to exercise caution when travelling to the rest of Korea.

From 23 Feb, the definition of suspect cases will be expanded to include persons with pneumonia or severe respiratory infection with breathlessness who had been to Daegu and/or Cheongdo, within 14 days before onset of symptoms.


This is a good news. No new cases means the virus is hopefully somewhat contained. But considering that MOH haven’t reduce the DORSCON level, we must remain vigilant and extremely careful with our hygiene.

Stay safe everyone.

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About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

Possibly relevant:

This is the continuation of my previous post. On that post I found that the exception was thrown on this line:

store = Ext.create('', {
	storeId: 'modelStore',
	model: 'mdl'

By logging the exception into console, we can see the stack trace:

So I put a breakpoint inside functionFactory and clicked the “Load to Grid” button again. From there, I can see functionFactory throws error because of the strings it received from its caller.

Its caller was buildRecordDataExtractor:

buildRecordDataExtractor: function() {
    var c = this,
        a = c.model.prototype,
        b = {
            clientIdProp: a.clientIdProperty,
            fields: a.fields.items
    c.recordDataExtractorTemplate.createFieldAccessExpression = function() {
        return c.createFieldAccessExpression.apply(c, arguments)
    return Ext.functionFactory(c.recordDataExtractorTemplate.apply(b)).call(c)

From there we can see that the string template is declared inside recordDataExtractorTemplate:

recordDataExtractorTemplate: [
        "var me = this\n", 
        "    ,fields = me.model.prototype.fields\n", 
        "    ,value\n", 
        "    ,internalId\n", 
        '<tpl for="fields">', 
        '    ,__field{#} =["{name}"]\n', 
        "return function(dest, source, record) {\n", 
        '<tpl for="fields">', 
        '{% var fieldAccessExpression =  this.createFieldAccessExpression(values, "__field" + xindex, "source");', 
        "   if (fieldAccessExpression) { %}", 
        '    value = {[ this.createFieldAccessExpression(values, "__field" + xindex, "source") ]};\n', 
        '<tpl if="hasCustomConvert">', 
        '    dest["{name}"] = value === undefined ? __field{#}.convert(__field{#}.defaultValue, record) : __field{#}.convert(value, record);\n', 
        '<tpl elseif="defaultValue !== undefined">', 
        "    if (value === undefined) {\n", 
        "        if (me.applyDefaults) {\n", '<tpl if="convert">', 
        '            dest["{name}"] = __field{#}.convert(__field{#}.defaultValue, record);\n', 
        "<tpl else>", 
        '            dest["{name}"] = __field{#}.defaultValue\n', 
        "        };\n", 
        "    } else {\n", 
        '<tpl if="convert">', 
        '        dest["{name}"] = __field{#}.convert(value, record);\n', 
        "<tpl else>", 
        '        dest["{name}"] = value;\n', 
        "    };\n", 
        "<tpl else>", 
        "    if (value !== undefined) {\n", 
        '<tpl if="convert">', 
        '        dest["{name}"] = __field{#}.convert(value, record);\n', 
        "<tpl else>", 
        '        dest["{name}"] = value;\n', 
        "    }\n", 
        "{% } else { %}", 
        '<tpl if="defaultValue !== undefined">', 
        '<tpl if="convert">', 
        '    dest["{name}"] = __field{#}.convert(__field{#}.defaultValue, record);\n', 
        "<tpl else>", 
        '    dest["{name}"] = __field{#}.defaultValue\n', 
        "</tpl>", "</tpl>", "{% } %}", "</tpl>", 
        '<tpl if="clientIdProp">', 
        '    if (record && (internalId = {[ this.createFieldAccessExpression({mapping: values.clientIdProp}, null, "source") ]})) {\n', 
        '        record.{["internalId"]} = internalId;\n', 
        "    }\n", 

By observing the string array template above and comparing it with the generated string, we can find that method createFieldAccessExpression is responsible for generating portion of the string which throws exception.

createFieldAccessExpression: (function() {
    var a = /[\[\.]/;
    return function(o, d, e) {
        var b = o.mapping,
            m = b || b === 0,
            c = m ? b :,
            p, g;
        if (b === false) {
        if (typeof c === "function") {
            p = d + ".mapping(" + e + ", this)"
        } else {
            if (this.useSimpleAccessors === true || ((g = String(c).search(a)) < 0)) {
                if (!m || isNaN(c)) {
                    c = '"' + c + '"'
                p = e + "[" + c + "]"
            } else {
                if (g === 0) {
                    p = e + c
                } else {
                    var j = c.split("."),
                        l = j.length,
                        k = 1,
                        n = e + "." + j[0],
                        h = [n];
                    for (; k < l; k++) {                            
                        n += "." + j[k];
                    p = h.join(" && ")
        return p

In order to access the property using array index, we must add our condition into this line:

if (this.useSimpleAccessors === true || ((g = String(c).search(a)) < 0)) {
   // ... SNIP ...

After a few tries, here's the code that solved it:

g = String(c).search(a);
h = String(c).indexOf(".");
while (h>0 && !i) {
    i = parseInt(c[h+1])>=0;
    h = String(c).indexOf(".", h+1);                    
if (this.useSimpleAccessors === true || g < 0 || i) {
   // ... SNIP ...

Now it works!

I hope it helps!

GD Star Rating

About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

Possibly relevant:

Alert on scams exploiting this crisis:

[Sent by – 22 Feb]

COVID-19: Be Alert to E-commerce scams

Items like masks and hand sanitisers have been in higher demand.

If you are looking to purchase online:
– Check the credibility of sellers
– Avoid making advance payments
– When in doubt, purchase only from reputable sellers

If you think you’ve been scammed, call the helpline: 1800-722-6688


Update on number of confirmed and discharged cases:

[Sent by]

COVID-19: 22 Feb Update

As of 12pm:
New cases: 3
Total confirmed: 89
Discharged today: 2
Total discharged: 49
Total still in hospital: 40

Most in hospital are stable or improving. 5 are in the intensive care unit.

Of the 3 new cases, 1 is linked to a known cluster and 1 was an evacuee from Wuhan on 9 Feb. Contact tracing is underway for the remaining case.


Stay safe everyone!

GD Star Rating

About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

Possibly relevant: