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Update on enhanced measures on schools:

[Sent by – 8 Feb]

Enhanced Precautionary Measures in Schools

MOE earlier introduced precautionary measures to minimise congregation of students in large numbers:
🏕 Suspension of large group activities, such as assemblies, camps, mass celebrations
🍽 Staggered recess times
🎾 Smaller groups for school-based CCAs and after-school programmes

🟠 Enhanced measures by MOE
❌ Suspension of all external school activities and inter-school activities until end of March school holidays
👩‍🏫 Roll out of educational package to teach students about virus transmission and what they can do to prevent it

Fake news on school closures
A fake screenshot of a CNA tweet was circulated widely on social media saying that all schools, including polytechnics and universities, are to close next Monday
🙅‍♀ This is not true 🙅‍♂

For more:

Another reminder on do and don’ts during Orange DORSCON:

[Sent by – 8 Feb]

Let’s be Calm & Considerate. We can get through this together

🟠 What is DORSCON orange?
– It means that more measures are introduced to minimise the risk of further spread.
– These measures will mainly impact large-scale events, the workplace, and vulnerable groups like children or the elderly.

🤔 What should I do?
– Good personal hygiene is still the best method to keep the virus away.
– Wash your hands with soap and water, avoid touching your face.
– Take temperature twice daily🌡and look out for fever and respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough, runny nose).
– If you are unwell, wear a mask, avoid crowds and see a doctor promptly👨‍⚕

🛒 There is no need to rush and stock up on food

– There are sufficient supplies of food, and supermarkets have been restocking their shelves.
– Hoarding will only cause anxiety and deprive others who really need these things.
– Let’s do the right thing and not buy more than we need to.

Why you don’t need to stockpile food:

Another do and don’ts reminder:

[Sent by – 8 Feb]

Stay united and calm, take precautions and carry on
Full details:

With DORSCON Orange, we have enhanced measures to protect S’poreans.

Singapore is better prepared today from our SARS experience. We have adequate mask supplies and Personal Protective Equipment, better medical capabilities and trained healthcare workers.

Experts say the new virus is more infectious than SARS but much less dangerous.

The situation is evolving and the Government will respond promptly and dynamically.

Let’s do our part by:
💧 Washing hands often with soap
🙆‍♂Avoid touching eyes or face
🌡 Taking your temperature twice-daily
👩‍⚕ Visiting a doctor if unwell, and avoiding crowded places

Fear can do more harm than nCoV. Please avoid:
❌ Spreading rumours online
❌ Panic buying food or masks
❌ Blaming others for the outbreak

❤Let’s stay calm and help one another. Show support for our healthcare workers, volunteers and those maintaining services to keep Singapore running.

Update on number of positive cases:

[Sent by – 8 Feb]

Update on 2019-nCoV cases

As of 12pm on 8 Feb, there are 7 new confirmed cases. 5 of these are linked to previous cases.

MOH has uncovered links between previously announced and new cases.

Confirmed: 40
Tested negative: 438
Pending results: 181
Discharged: 2

Most are stable/improving. 4 are in ICU, 1 requires additional oxygen support.

Case 34: Local female 40, works at the health product shop

Case 35: Local male, 64, taxi driver

Case 36: Female Singapore PR, 38, attended the Grand Hyatt business meeting

Cases 37: Local male, 53, private hire car driver

Case 38: Local female, 52, visited The Life Church and Missions Singapore, linked to 5 earlier cases

Case 39: Local male, 51, attended the Grand Hyatt business meeting

Case 40: Local male, 36, works at same shop as Case 34

S’pore will likely see more cases that will need investigation as medical practitioners are on the lookout for suspect cases.


Stay safe everyone!

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About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

Possibly relevant:

Clarification regarding LoA (Leave of Absence)

Update on Leave of Absence (LOA) measures

✔ It is now mandatory for all workers returning from Mainland China to be placed on a 14 day LOA

✔ All employers to report to MOM when their workers are returning, so that their return can be staggered

✔ For those with difficulties finding accommodation for their workers to serve their LOA, the Govt will work with them to provide dorm facilities 🏠

✔ $100 a day will be provided to support the employers with workers on LOA, and MOM will waive the foreign worker levy for LOA period

Get updates on the virus situation here:

Update on Fake News regarding the death of nCoV patient:

[Sent by – 7 Feb]

False rumours on the 2019-nCoV situation

There has been a message circulating of a death in Singapore due to the nCoV virus.
This is false. MOH has confirmed that there are currently no deaths due to the virus.

MOH has been providing updates on the cases to the public.
We urge everyone not to spread unverified information.

Please refer to for latest updates.


[Sent by – 7 Feb]

S’pore has raised alert to DORSCON Orange
For more:

Additional precautionary measures:

Advice to cancel/defer large scale non-essential events
If proceeding:
– Carry out temperature screening
– Deny entry for those with respiratory symptoms
– Have travel declaration and participant list if possible
– Venues to have ventilation and handwashing facilities
– Increased cleaning

At the work place
– Twice-daily temperature taking and checks for respiratory symptoms
– Those with fever to see a doctor promptly
– Business continuity plans may include telecommuting or segregating workforce into teams

For vulnerable groups
– Hospitals to implement temperature screening; separate care for pneumonia patients
– Schools to suspend inter-school and external activities
– Preschools and eldercare services to limit visitors

As of 2pm on 7 Feb, MOH confirmed 3 new cases with no links to previous cases or travel history to China:

Due to three cases with unknown origin, we must be even more extra vigilant. Remember the infection is through droplets and surface, so frequently wash your hand using anti-bacterial soap. And keep your hands away from your face!

What to do during DORSCON ORANGE:

[Sent by – 7 Feb]

DORSCON Orange | What should you do

In light of DORSCON Orange, the Government has introduced additional precautionary measures.

These measures will only be effective if every individual plays their part.

[Recap] How nCoV is transmitted:
💦 Contact with droplets from infected individuals
🚪Contact with contaminated surfaces

Most effective method to prevent transmission:
👍 Practise good personal hygiene
👐🧼 Wash your hands regularly with soap and water
🧴 Use hand sanitisers if above is unavailable
🙅‍♀ Avoid touching your face
👋 Avoid shaking hands, use alternative greetings

Be socially responsible:
🛌 Stay at home if you are sick
😷 Wear a mask if you are going out to see a doctor
😌 Stay calm, be vigilant and keep up with official updates at

Stay safe everyone!

GD Star Rating

About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

Possibly relevant:

Guides on what to do if exposed to possible infection case

[Sent by – 6 Feb]

Steps to clean and disinfect homes possibly exposed to nCoV

Wear a surgical mask 😷and gloves. Don’t touch your face. Open the windows.

For surfaces
Prepare disinfectant/bleach solution to mop floor from one end of the home to another. Soak cloths with disinfectant/bleach solution. Wipe all frequently touched areas and toilet surfaces.

For fabrics
Machine wash bedding and other fabrics with detergent. For the full instructions, see the NEA guidelines at

Finishing up
Mop once more. Throw all cloths used in a double-lined trash bag🗑Remove gloves, then wash your hands with soap and water. Remove mask, then wash your hands with soap and water.

Throw gloves and masks into a double-lined trash bag. Separate clean-up waste from other household waste. Shower🚿, change your clothes, and air your home.

NEA video:

Update on DORSCON

[Sent by – 6 Feb]

S’pore is currently at DORSCON Yellow.

What does DORSCON mean?

DORSCON = Disease Outbreak Response System Condition

It shows the current disease situation in S’pore.

For all levels, be socially responsible, maintain good hygiene, follow health advisories

🟢 Green
– Disease is mild
– OR severe but does not spread easily
– Minimal disruption to daily life

🟡 Yellow
– Disease is severe and spreads easily but outside of S’pore
– OR spreading in S’pore but typically mild or contained
– Additional measures for some sectors, but minimal disruption

🟠 Orange
– Disease is severe and spreads easily but has not spread widely in S’pore
– Moderate disruptions to daily life
Additionally, comply with control measures

– Disease is severe and spreading widely
– Major disruptions to daily life
Comply with control measures and avoid crowded areas

Keep updated on S’pore’s DORSCON status

Update on number of positive cases:

[Sent by – 6 Feb]

Update on 2019-nCoV situation

As of 2pm on 6 Feb, there are 2 new confirmed cases.

Confirmed: 30
Cases tested negative: 310
Pending results: 147
Discharged: 1

Of these, one is a 41 yo S’pore citizen who has no recent travel history to mainland China, and does not appear to be linked with previous cases. The other is a close contact of a previously confirmed case. Contact tracing is in progress

All new cases today are stable. Most of the earlier confirmed cases are stable or improving. Conditions of 2 cases have worsened – 1 is now in critical condition in ICU, another requires additional oxygen support

Govt agencies are ready to ramp up measures further if needed based on findings from ongoing investigations


What can you do
– Wash your hands frequently with soap
– Avoid touching your face
– Cover your mouth with a tissue paper when coughing/sneezing
– See a doctor if you are feeling unwell and stay at home


Stay safe and be more vigilant with hygiene everyone!

GD Star Rating

About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

Possibly relevant: