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Guides for employers and instruction for employees:

[Sent by – 5 Feb]

The first local transmission cases of 2019-nCoV were confirmed yesterday.

Additional precautionary measures for frontline staff

Employers are advised to:

– Put in place health and travel declaration and a 14-day Leave of Absence for recent travellers to Mainland China

– Step up cleaning of workplaces, esp areas with high human contact and public access

– Adopt NEA’s sanitation and hygiene guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting areas exposed to confirmed cases (

– Have clear guidelines for visibly unwell customers, eg. see a doctor, or reschedule meetings. Have proper procedures to safeguard staff and other customers for urgent services

Employees should:

– Observe good personal hygiene, monitor temperature and wash hands frequently with soap

– Avoid contact with those unwell

– Not go to work and see a doctor promptly if you are sick; stay at home and avoid crowds while recovering

For more:

Update on number of cases:

[Sent by – 5 Feb]

Update on 2019 Novel Coronavirus situation in Singapore

As of 12pm on 5 Feb, there are 4 new confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV infection in Singapore.

Confirmed cases: 28
Cases tested negative: 295
Pending results: 62
Discharged: 1

Of the four new cases, three are linked to the cluster of local transmission announced yesterday, and one is an imported case involving a Chinese tourist from Wuhan.

All new cases today are stable. Most of the earlier confirmed cases are stable or improving. One requires additional oxygen support, but is not in the intensive care unit.

As medical practitioners are on the lookout for suspect cases who have recently been in China, Singapore is likely to see more cases that would not have been previously investigated.

Read the press release for details:

Stay vigilant and safe everyone!

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About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

Possibly relevant:

Updates on what should be done to handle 2019-nCoV:

[Sent by – 4 Feb]

For nCoV preparedness

If there’s community spread in more Chinese cities and other countries
– Health screenings at all checkpoints
– Place high-risk travellers into quarantine
– Restrict recent travellers from China

If there’s local community spread
– Healthcare providers on alert to identify and deal with cases
– Immediate contact-tracing
– Quarantine orders and Leave of Absence in place

If the virus mutates and spreads more widely
– More isolation beds
– Faster testing to confirm suspect cases
– Consider further measures to reduce human-to-human interactions

Exercise personal responsibility
– Have good personal hygiene. Wash your hands regularly and properly using soap and water. Wear a mask if you are ill and promptly see a doctor
– Observe Leave of Absence if you recently travelled to China
Don’t spread fake news that can cause panic and fear

For more:

Update on current number of cases:

[Sent by – 4 Feb]

Update on 2019-nCoV cases
As of 2pm on 4 Feb, there are 6 new confirmed cases. These include 3 local transmission cases that can be traced to prolonged contact with recent travellers from Mainland China.

Confirmed cases: 24
Recovered: 1

Case 19: 28 year old female Singapore resident, works at a complementary health products shop that primarily serves Chinese tourists

Case 20: 48 year old female Singapore resident, works at the same shop

Case 21: 44 year old female Indonesian national, foreign domestic worker of Case 19

Cases 22 and 23: Singaporeans evacuated from Wuhan on 30 Jan

Case 24: 32 year old female Singapore resident, tourist guide who brought tour groups to Case 19’s shop

Though 4 of these cases constitute a local transmission cluster, there is as yet no evidence of widespread sustained community transmission in Singapore.

For more info: (MOH website) ( article)

Stay vigilant and safe everyone! We’re all have parts to do against 2019-nCoV!

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About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

Possibly relevant:

Clarification on surgical masks distribution:

[Sent by – 3 Feb]

Mask distribution

Why is the Government distributing masks? Is the situation escalating?
We’re doing so as part of our preparedness, to assure each household that you have access to masks. There is currently no evidence of community spread in Singapore.

Why only 4 surgical masks to each household?
These 4 masks are for use only if you are sick and need to visit a doctor. Clinics and hospitals have enough masks for their patients. Don’t wear the masks if you are well.

What do I do if I miss the distribution?
Visit or call 1800-333-9999 for your collection details. If you miss your collection date, contact your CC/RC to make alternative arrangements.

What is being done to those who sell masks at high prices?
Warnings have been issued to errant retailers. You can report errant sellers to CASE at 6100-0315.

More info:

I believe stronger action is required to anyone profiting from current situation. We’re all in this together guys!

Update on the number positive cases:

[Sent by – 3 Feb]

Update on 2019 Novel Coronavirus situation in Singapore

As of 2pm on 3 Feb, there are no new confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV infection in Singapore. 18 confirmed cases were earlier announced.

Confirmed cases: 18
Suspect cases tested negative: 262
Pending results: 32

None of the 18 previously announced cases are critically ill. All remain in stable condition. Most are improving.

All the confirmed cases have recent travel history to Wuhan. Currently no evidence of community spread in Singapore.

Contact tracing for the confirmed cases is ongoing.

All close contacts will be quarantined for 14 days from their last exposure to the patient.

🇸🇬 updates now available in Chinese, Malay, and Tamil
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GD Star Rating

About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

Possibly relevant: