Clarification regarding recent Quarantine Order and Leave of Absence:
[Sent by – 2 Feb]
Difference between a Leave of Absence and a Quarantine Order
A Leave of Absence (LOA) is a precautionary measure to prevent the possible transmission of infections. Those on LOA should stay at home, minimise close contact with others, and monitor their health closely. Those on LOA may leave home briefly to attend to matters, but must return home ASAP.
As those on LOA are isolating themselves as a precaution and they are not unwell, we urge neighbours and landlords to be sympathetic and helpful.
Residents and long-term pass holders who recently returned from China are advised to take a 14-day LOA.
A Quarantine Order is a directive that has legal force with severe penalties for non-compliance. The individual will be isolated with the aim of limiting the spread of the virus in the community. Quarantine can occur in the home, or in Government Quarantine Facilities or hospitals.
All recent travellers to Hubei will be quarantined.
For more, go to
Updates on Government support for businesses:
[Sent by – 2 Feb]
Support for firms and workers in response to 2019 Novel Coronavirus outbreak
The Government will provide targeted economic support to transport and tourism sectors, which have been directly affected by the nCoV.
If there is an economic slowdown, a package of measures will be introduced to help firms stay afloat and workers remain in their jobs.
This includes measures to help firms retain and train their workers through wage support, and address their short-term cash flow needs.
Full details will be announced at Budget 2020 on 18 Feb.
For more information:
🔘 (MOH website)
🔘 ( article)
Update on number of cases:
[Sent by – 2 Feb]
Update on 2019 novel coronavirus situation in Singapore
As of 2pm on 2 Feb, there are no new confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV infection in Singapore. 18 confirmed cases were earlier announced.
Confirmed cases: 18
Suspect cases tested negative: 240
Pending results: 43None of the 18 previously announced cases are critically ill. All remain in stable condition. Most are improving.
All the confirmed cases have recent travel history to Wuhan. Currently no evidence of community spread in Singapore.
No need to avoid places
👉There is no need to avoid places where suspected/confirmed cases of nCov infection have been. The risk of infection from transient contact is low.
👉NEA is supporting residents and owners of premises to ensure adequate cleaning and disinfection of areas. Sanitation and hygiene advisories have been issued to places with high public access like hotels and F&B outlets.
Stay updated at:
🔘 (MOH website)
🔘 ( website)
Stay vigilant and safe everyone!