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Clarification regarding recent Quarantine Order and Leave of Absence:

[Sent by – 2 Feb]

Difference between a Leave of Absence and a Quarantine Order

A Leave of Absence (LOA) is a precautionary measure to prevent the possible transmission of infections. Those on LOA should stay at home, minimise close contact with others, and monitor their health closely. Those on LOA may leave home briefly to attend to matters, but must return home ASAP.

As those on LOA are isolating themselves as a precaution and they are not unwell, we urge neighbours and landlords to be sympathetic and helpful.

Residents and long-term pass holders who recently returned from China are advised to take a 14-day LOA.

A Quarantine Order is a directive that has legal force with severe penalties for non-compliance. The individual will be isolated with the aim of limiting the spread of the virus in the community. Quarantine can occur in the home, or in Government Quarantine Facilities or hospitals.

All recent travellers to Hubei will be quarantined.

For more, go to

Updates on Government support for businesses:

[Sent by – 2 Feb]

Support for firms and workers in response to 2019 Novel Coronavirus outbreak

The Government will provide targeted economic support to transport and tourism sectors, which have been directly affected by the nCoV.

If there is an economic slowdown, a package of measures will be introduced to help firms stay afloat and workers remain in their jobs.

This includes measures to help firms retain and train their workers through wage support, and address their short-term cash flow needs.

Full details will be announced at Budget 2020 on 18 Feb.

For more information:
🔘 (MOH website)
🔘 ( article)

Update on number of cases:

[Sent by – 2 Feb]

Update on 2019 novel coronavirus situation in Singapore

As of 2pm on 2 Feb, there are no new confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV infection in Singapore. 18 confirmed cases were earlier announced.

Confirmed cases: 18
Suspect cases tested negative: 240
Pending results: 43

None of the 18 previously announced cases are critically ill. All remain in stable condition. Most are improving.

All the confirmed cases have recent travel history to Wuhan. Currently no evidence of community spread in Singapore.

No need to avoid places

👉There is no need to avoid places where suspected/confirmed cases of nCov infection have been. The risk of infection from transient contact is low.

👉NEA is supporting residents and owners of premises to ensure adequate cleaning and disinfection of areas. Sanitation and hygiene advisories have been issued to places with high public access like hotels and F&B outlets.

Stay updated at:
🔘 (MOH website)
🔘 ( website)

Stay vigilant and safe everyone!

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About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

Possibly relevant:

Update on surgical masks collection:

[Sent by]

Four masks for each household from 01 Feb – 09 Feb 2020

To collect your masks:

1) Visit or call 1800-333-9999

2) Please 🙏 collect your mask according to the assigned timings 🕑

3) Bring your NRIC for verification

Please keep the masks for use by those who are unwell 🤧
Do not use them immediately or if you are well.

More info:

How you can collect

How and when to use a mask

Update on number of cases (emphasis is mine):

[Sent by – 1 Feb]

Update on 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Confirmed cases: 18
Suspect cases tested negative: 231
Pending results: 25

As of 1 Feb, MOH confirmed 2 more cases of nCoV infection in S’pore. 16 confirmed cases were announced earlier.

The 17th case is a 47-year-old S’porean woman, evacuated from Wuhan on 30 Jan. The 18th case is a 31-year-old female Chinese national who arrived from Wuhan on 22 Jan. Both are in stable condition.

All the confirmed cases have recent travel history to Wuhan. Currently no evidence of community spread in S’pore.

All of the previous cases are in stable condition. Most are improving.

False Rumours
There is a message circulating with a list of alleged places to avoid where suspected/confirmed cases of the nCoV infection have been.

This is false. There is no need to avoid these places. The risk of infection from transient contact is low.

You may have noticed a system msg stating a code/name changed. This is due to a system update. No action is required

Stay calm and safe everyone!

GD Star Rating

About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

Possibly relevant:

Today was quite a day. A number of public broadcasts were sent.

The first one:

[Sent by – 31 Jan]

Update on the Wuhan coronavirus

False rumours on masks availability
The States Times Review Facebook page said that Senior Minister of State Dr Lam Pin Min had confirmed that Singapore had run out of face masks.

This is false. Dr Lam had stated clearly that there was sufficient supply of masks if people use them responsibly.

False rumours on local transmission
On 30 Jan 2020, an article on ‘City News’ claimed that five Singaporeans had contracted the virus without going to China. This is also false.

As of 9pm on 30 Jan 2020, there has been no community spread of the Wuhan virus in Singapore. All confirmed cases so far in Singapore are Chinese nationals from Hubei.

Do verify information before sharing and stay updated by referring to official sources at:

🔘 (MOH website)
🔘 (Clarifications on misinformation regarding the virus)

I do notice that surgical mask with highly inflated price starts popping up in online marketplaces.

The second one:

[Sent by – 31 Jan]

Stay informed on the Wuhan coronavirus

😊 If you are well, there is no need to wear a mask.

🤒 If you are unwell with respiratory symptoms, wear a surgical mask. Do remember to :

1. Wear the mask properly to prevent the spread of infection to others through droplets when you cough or sneeze. 🤧

2. Remove a used mask by holding only its ear loops.

3. Dispose the soiled mask properly into a bin.

Finally, wash your hands with soap and water 🙌🏽

From tomorrow, every household will receive a pack of 4 surgical masks at Community Centres and Residents’ Committee Centres.

For collection details, check your community noticeboards, digital display panels and Government’s social media platforms.

PM Lee Hsien Loong:
“The Government is working hard to protect us all from the virus as much as possible. But we cannot do it alone.”

🔘 (MOH website)
🔘 ( video on mask usage)
🔘 (PM’s FB post)

Government stepped in to provide surgical masks for every household. Excellent!

The third one:

[Sent by – 31 Jan]

New measures on Wuhan coronavirus outbreak

Travel restrictions to reduce the risk of community spread
✳ All visitors (regardless of nationality) who travelled to Mainland China in the last 14 days will not be allowed entry into, or transit through Singapore.

✳ A visa suspension for PRC passport holders, effective immediately. Previously issued visas will be suspended.

✳ Returning Singapore Citizens, PRs and long-term visa holders will be placed under a 14-day Leave of Absence.

For more information:
🔘 (MOH website)
🔘 (

With more and more cases detected in Singapore, this step will help Government to focus the efforts to contain internally and reducing the chance of new cases coming into Singapore.

The last one:

[Sent by – 31 Jan]

Wuhan coronavirus: Update on cases
[As of 31 Jan 2020, 2pm]

Confirmed cases: 16
Suspect cases tested negative: 198
Pending results: 35

As of 31 January 2020, MOH confirmed 3 additional imported cases of Wuhan coronavirus infection in Singapore. 13 confirmed cases were earlier announced by MOH. All 16 confirmed cases have recent travel history to Wuhan.

The 14th case is a 31 year-old male Chinese national who is a Singapore Work Pass holder, and arrived from Wuhan on 26 Jan. The 15th case is a 47-year-old Singaporean female, who was one of the Singaporeans evacuated from Wuhan on 30 Jan. The 16th case is a 38 year-old male Chinese national who arrived in Singapore from Wuhan on 22 Jan.

There is currently no evidence of community spread in Singapore.

All the cases are in stable condition. None of the previously announced cases are critically ill and most are improving.

Contact tracing for all confirmed cases is ongoing.

Stay updated:

Stay hygiene and safe everyone!

GD Star Rating

About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

Possibly relevant: