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To compare the content of two folders in Windows you can use diff command.


Normally, to compare to files you use this command:

C:\Users\hardono>diff file1.txt file2.txt

To compare two folder, use the parameter -rq:

C:\Users\hardono>diff -rq T:\ C:\Projects\Java\TMS

Below is the result’s snippet:

Only in C:\Projects\Java\TMS: .git
Files T:\checkpassword.asp and C:\Projects\Java\TMS/checkpassword.asp differ
Files T:\contact/Thumbs.db and C:\Projects\Java\TMS/contact/Thumbs.db differ
Only in T:\: crystalreportviewers10
Only in C:\Projects\Java\TMS/etrack: _notes
Files T:\etrack/trucker_pictures/Thumbs.db and C:\Projects\Java\TMS/etrack/trucker_pictures/Thumbs.db differ
Only in C:\Projects\Java\TMS/etrack/trucker_pictures: _notes
Files T:\images/Thumbs.db and C:\Projects\Java\TMS/images/Thumbs.db differ
Only in T:\invoice: testing.asp
Only in C:\Projects\Java\TMS/jobsummary: _notes
Files T:\jobsummary/daily_cargo_report.asp and C:\Projects\Java\TMS/jobsummary/daily_cargo_report.asp differ
Only in C:\Projects\Java\TMS/misc: _notes
Only in T:\misc/songs: newyearsong-old.mp3
Only in C:\Projects\Java\TMS/misc_new: _notes
Only in T:\misc_new/songs: newyearsong-old.mp3

If you receive error like below, it means you haven’t install Git.

You can download Git for Windows from

Once you’ve have installed it, don’t forget to add C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin or C:\Program Files\Git\bin (depending on the version you installed) to System’s Environment variable:


I hope it helps, cheers!

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About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

Possibly relevant:

Kinda late to the party 😀 But anyway, as you can judge yourself, there is no nipple exposed in her US debut video. I believe it’s just a PR to increase the YouTube view counts.


As for Agnes’ aspiration to go International, somehow it reminds me of Sun Ho. I wonder how much money Agnes spent on this project. I hope she didn’t burn so much cash like Sun Ho did.

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About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

Possibly relevant:

One of my colleague today reported that she can’t download/save the report from our TMS (Transport Management System) web application. She is using Internet Explorer 10. She complained that all along she can download, but just today suddenly can’t.

So I tried to simulate her issue in PC. Somehow I can’t. I always successfully manage to download the report no matter how big the data is. So there should be something wrong with her browser.

Connecting to her PC through TeamViewer, I can see that the download dialog still open as expected.

It’s just that when you click Open or Save, it will throw error.

My first try was to add the site under trusted connection, with the lowest security level. Still can’t download.

Asked her to close the IE then open IE again, still can’t download.

Asked her to reboot PC, open IE, still can’t download.

I scanned her installed programs hoping to find programs that wrecked her download, can’t find anything suspicious.

Puzzled, I opened IE’s Developer Tools (F12), switched to Network tab, and start listening for packets. When I clicked the download button, IT WORKS!!!


Although problem is solved, I still puzzled why the download failed in the first place. If this happened again to other people next time, I will install packet sniffer for sure.

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About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

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