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Selamat Datang Prof. Dr. Boediono

Hari ini, Wakil Presiden Indonesia Terpilih, Prof. Dr. Boediono berdialog dengan warga Indonesia yang tinggal di Singapura. Dialog ini diselenggarakan di Gedung Ripta Loka, Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia Singapura yang berlokasi di Chatsworth Road no 7.

Dialog ini dibuka dengan sambutan Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Singapura, Bapak Wardana. Berikut adalah rangkuman poin-poin yang disampaikan oleh beliau.

  • Informasi tentang data demografis warga negara Indonesia yang tinggal di Singapura. Saat ini ada kurang lebih 150 ribu warga Indonesia yang berdomisili di Singapura, dimana sekitar 80 ribu bekerja sebagai Penata Laksana Rumah Tangga (PLRT)
  • KBRI Singapura telah memfasilitasi pembentukan organisasi-organisasi profesi untuk menampung aspirasi WNI di Singapura. Organisasi-organisasi tersebut akan menampung aspirasi para pelaut dan PLRT Indonesia.
  • Hasil akhir Pilpres 2009 di Singapura, dimana lebih dari 80% suara mendukung pasangan SBY-Boediono.
  • Program-program yang dilaksanakan di KBRI Singapura untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme PLRT Indonesia. Antara lain dengan membuka program kursus Bahasa Inggris, Komputer dan Universitas Terbuka. Program-program ini dijalankan dengan partisipasi para mahasiswa Indonesia di Singapura.

Bapak Dubes selanjutnya mempersilahkan Bapak Prof. Dr. Boediono untuk menyampaikan sambutan beliau. Bapak Boediono membuka dengan salam dan ucapan terima kasih kepada para hadirin yang telah hadir dalam dialog ini. Beliau juga berterima kasih karena warga Indonesia di Singapura telah memberikan dukungan kepada pasangan SBY-Boediono dalam Pilpres 2009.

Beliau juga berharap bahwa demokrasi Indonesia saat ini akan menjadi demokrasi yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Hal ini mengingat pada tahun 1950-an Indonesia juga menerapkan demokrasi, tapi gagal karena demokrasi saat itu tidak bisa memberikan manfaat yang bisa dirasakan oleh masyarakat.

Beliau memaparkan tiga garis besar program Pemerintahan SBY-Boediono ke depan. Tiga program itu adalah

  1. Pembangunan infrastruktur fisik. Saat infrastruktur fisik Indonesia sangat tertinggal jika dibandingkan dengan negara-negara tetangga. Infrastruktur ini antara lain pembangunan/perbaikan jalan, penyediaan listrik, dan transportasi antar pulau.
  2. Pembangunan infrastruktur lunak. Hal ini akan diwujudkan dengan membuat iklim ekonomi yang mendukung pertumbuhan. Antara lain dengan melanjutkan proses pembentukan pemerintahan yang bersih dan transparan, kebijakan-kebijakan yang mempermudah tumbuhnya ekonomi.
  3. Bantuan kepada masyarakat yang tertinggal dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi. Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa dalam perkembangan, selalu ada elemen masyarakat yang akan tertinggal. Hal ini akan diwujudkan dengan melanjutkan program BLT, pemberian beasiswa untuk pelajar miskin yang berprestasi dan subsidi kesehatan untuk warga yang tidak mampu

Acara kemudian dilanjutkan dengan memberikan kesempatan bagi para hadirin untuk menyampaikan pertanyaan kepada Bapak Boediono. Rangkuman pertanyaan dan jawaban akan saya tuliskan di posting selanjutnya.

About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.


Thank God, I finally visited Bali as I planned before. My plane departed for Bali on 2nd July 2009 around 10 AM. Kinda woke up late, so I took taxi to Changi Airport, despite my initial plan to take MRT.

Despite the pandemic of H1N1, the AirAsia servicing Singapore – Bali route was surprisingly packed. The check-in queue was very long. I saw a number of Indian guys wearing the same T-Shirt, bringing huge many luggage. Among their luggage, I saw what I assume the containers of traditional Indian musical instrument. Apparently these guys are members of a music band. I assume either there’s Indian wedding that going to be held in Bali, or they are actually participating in Bali Art Festival.

My family had arrived in Denpasar early in the morning, so they will pick me up at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport. I waited for them not more than 5 minutes. Then I saw my father and my youngest brother sitting in the front seat. I waved at them, then they stopped the car. After group-hugging session, we went for lunch. We did not try the local cuisine, we settled with East Javanese food instead. Either-way, I was really hungry, so any food will be fine with me. Moral of the story, contemplating with choice of food means you’re not hungry enough.

After lunch, we went to Benoa beach. Over there, me and my younger brothers did parasailing. My youngest brother was the one very persistent asking us to go for parasailing. He sort of challenging his elder brothers, saying that he was only 5 years old when he did parasailing for the first time. And he claimed that he did not afraid at all. He is still 9 years old now.

From Benoa beach, we took a boat trip to visit the Turtle Island. They run a turtle conservation there. The conservation camp also have other animals like snake, birds, eagle and rabbits. We are allowed to pose together with the animals and take pictures. In the way out, there is a donation box for the tourist to slip in money to help the conservation camp funding.

On the second day, we left the hotel quite early. We went to Sukowati Market. This market is really the place if you are looking for souvenir on bargain. It is so cheap, I am not allowed to disclose you the prices there :D. We bought a number of T-Shirts. My brother bought a number of handcrafts. I also saw a foreigner bought a bulk number of paintings. I spoke to him asking what was the price. Then he whispered to me the answer, another proof that we must keep the prices information secret!

After that we went to Padang Galak beach, we are supposed to watch the Bali Kite Competition. Unfortunately, we arrived too early. And it was almost noon of Friday, we must find a mosque to perform Friday prayer. After Friday prayer, we went to Seminyak Beach. I have been dreaming to do Bungy Jumping, but so far I can only make joke about it. So I did make the jump. It was really GREAT!!!! I’ll visit your place again, AJ Hackett.

At night, we visited Taman Werdi Budaya (the Denpasar’s Art Center). They have a “wayang orang” show. It is a play combined with dance that use fragments of epic Ramayana or Mahabharata story. The dialogs were in Bahasa Indonesia, with occasional short sentence in Balinese, Javanese and English :D. The story was about the period when Rama and his monkey army lead by Anoman are going to attack Alengka. Although the story is about Ramayana, I think the main characters of that night show was the Punokawan. Anyway, discussing about the existence of the Punokawan in Ramayana and Mahabharata epic will need another blog post. In short, the dance was great, the dialogs was interesting and mostly funny. I also noted that the show was also used to convey moral messages to the audiences. Roughly the messages were we should stay away from drugs and alcohol, drive safely on the roads.

The third day was going to be short, because at midday my brother must fly back to Jakarta. His company requires him to work on Sunday. Not every Sunday, but just this Sunday. So we left the hotel earlier than the previous day. We went to Bedugul. Bedugul was totally different experience compared to Denpasar. The air was fresh, the temperature was low, no fog, with plenty of sunlight and awesome clear sky. We had our breakfast there. Nothing beats breakfast in a restaurant, above the lakeside, with a fresh-cool temperature, having fried rice, pancake and a glass of warm tea.

After breakfast, we went fishing. We caught a few fishes. In the end, we did not consume the fish, we release them back in the lake instead. If I think about it again, it is kinda cruel right? I tempted them to bite the hook, which is really painful, but I let them live their misery for the rest of their life. PETA must be really hate me now.

After rushing to send my brother to the airport, we went to Garuda Wisnu Kencana monument. It is an unfinished monument actually, but the view is still spectacular. I heard hearsay about making the monument higher than the Statue of Liberty šŸ™‚ For now, the monument is still waiting for someone with very deep pocket to fund them to finish the monument.

In conclusion, my short trip to Bali was totally worth it. I wish I have more time to stay there. There are so many places in Bali that I did not have the chance to visit. So definitely there will be a next time.

About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.

Possibly relevant:

  1. When all else fails manipulate the data
  2. Iā€™m as confused as a termite in a yo-yo
  3. Bugs come in through open Windows
  4. Celibacy is not hereditary
  5. Love is blind, marriage is the eye-opener
  6. Life is sexually transmitted
  7. Born free . . . Taxed to death
  8. If it’s too loud, you’re too old
  9. Common sense isn’t common
  10. If it ain’t broke, fix it until it is
  11. If you can’t convince them, confuse them
  12. A feature is a bug with seniority
  13. I’ll try being nicer if you’ll try being smarter
  14. Justice: A decision in your favor
  15. All Men Are Animals, Some Just Make Better Pets
  16. Few women admit their age . . . Few men act theirs
  17. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder
  18. If the enemy is in range, so are you
  19. Adults are just kids who owe money
  20. Meetings — The practical alternative to work

About Hardono

Howdy! I'm Hardono. I am working as a Software Developer. I am working mostly in Windows, dealing with .NET, conversing in C#. But I know a bit of Linux, mainly because I need to keep this blog operational. I've been working in Logistics/Transport industry for more than 11 years.