Interested to add game elements to your activity? Ensure it has the following properties:
- The activity can be learned
- The player’s performance can be measured
- If the player can be rewarded or punished in timely fashion
Found via J.D. Meier
Interested to add game elements to your activity? Ensure it has the following properties:
Found via J.D. Meier
Only in Singapore, when you order a mix of Cincau (Grass Jelly) and soya bean milk, you would say, “One Michael Jackson, please”. Saying, “One Jacko, please” works too. I’m not really sure where the association is coming from. It might came from MJ’s image, who is racially black and have white skin, or it could be referring to his song “Black Or White”.
Only in Singapore, instead of saying “Sorry, my English is not that good”, we say, “Sorry la, my angmoh is no good”.
Only in Singapore, the casts of Fast and Furious shocked by the price of cars.
Do you know any other quirks about Singapore?
Tadi pagi dalam perjalanan ke kantor, saya sempat ngelamun mengenai Ahmad Fathonah. Sungguh lamunan yang sangat berbahaya karena saya pergi ke kantor mengendarai sepeda motor 🙂 Anyway, dalam lamunan saya, nama Ahmad Fathonah mengingatkan saya kepada junjungan kita Rasulullah Muhammad SAW.
“Semprul, ngapain loe hubungin Ahmad Fathonah ke Rasulullah Muhammad SAW?”
Weits, jangan marah dulu. Beri saya kesempatan untuk menjelaskan.
Sebagaimana kita ketahui, Rasulullah Muhammad SAW juga mempunyai nama Ahmad. Muhammad dan Ahmad adalah sinonim yang artinya terpuji. Trus ingat gak kalau Rasulullah mempunyai 4 sifat?
Sumber: Agus Nizami
“Lah, trus hikmahnya apa dong?”
Saya jadi inget lagi ama pelajaran agama SD 🙂
Kalo si Ahmad Fathonah makelar sapi mah .. haduh.. speechless deh. Kurang ajar banget nih orang, pakai nama yang diambil dari nama dan sifat Rasulullah, tapi kelakuannya sungguh tidak terpuji.
Kalo udah tau bejat gitu mbok ya ganti nama. Gimana kalo pakai nama “Suwa’al B’ollong Wasathun”?