Long time ago, Konstantin reported that the output of JSON Table editor is in encoded format (Unicode-escape character). For example, if the input is:
{ id: 0, text: 'Привет', translation: 'Hi' }
The output will be:
{ "id": 0, "text": "\u041f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442", "translation": "Hi" }
Thanks to Mathias Bynens’ great article on Javascript problem with unicode, I can fix this problem.
First, we need to ensure that method String.FromCodePoint is available. Some browsers like IE and Safari didn’t have this method. Thus we need create the polyfills:
/*! http://mths.be/fromcodepoint v0.1.0 by @mathias */ if (!String.fromCodePoint) { (function() { var defineProperty = (function() { // IE 8 only supports `Object.defineProperty` on DOM elements try { var object = {}; var $defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; var result = $defineProperty(object, object, object) && $defineProperty; } catch(error) {} return result; }()); var stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode; var floor = Math.floor; var fromCodePoint = function() { var MAX_SIZE = 0x4000; var codeUnits = []; var highSurrogate; var lowSurrogate; var index = -1; var length = arguments.length; if (!length) { return ''; } var result = ''; while (++index < length) { var codePoint = Number(arguments[index]); if ( !isFinite(codePoint) || // `NaN`, `+Infinity`, or `-Infinity` codePoint < 0 || // not a valid Unicode code point codePoint > 0x10FFFF || // not a valid Unicode code point floor(codePoint) != codePoint // not an integer ) { throw RangeError('Invalid code point: ' + codePoint); } if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) { // BMP code point codeUnits.push(codePoint); } else { // Astral code point; split in surrogate halves // http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-encoding#surrogate-formulae codePoint -= 0x10000; highSurrogate = (codePoint >> 10) + 0xD800; lowSurrogate = (codePoint % 0x400) + 0xDC00; codeUnits.push(highSurrogate, lowSurrogate); } if (index + 1 == length || codeUnits.length > MAX_SIZE) { result += stringFromCharCode.apply(null, codeUnits); codeUnits.length = 0; } } return result; }; if (defineProperty) { defineProperty(String, 'fromCodePoint', { 'value': fromCodePoint, 'configurable': true, 'writable': true }); } else { String.fromCodePoint = fromCodePoint; } }()); }
Now we can use this function to replace any instance of unicode escape character.
str = str.replace(/\\u([a-fA-F0-9]{1,6})/g, function (e, n) { var t = parseInt(n, 16); return String.fromCodePoint(t); });
That’s it guys. So happy that 2-years old bug is finally fixed 😀 Cheers!